Rewilding Wales with Fiona.

My name is Fiona, I like to get down and dirty and immerse my self in horse shit as deep as my armpits and I think rewilding Wales is just a top hole idea and makes one feel so superior to those Cymru folk. They have ruined the landscape so bad that they desperately need the English to managed it for them.


Besides jumping on the rewilding  bandwagon, I like to post pretensious videos on Youtube and show people my superior intellect and give an insight into my very deep philosophical thoughts on my blog.


fiona frightening Welsh sheep.

Above:  Me on Talisman terrorising the local sheep.


I think rewilding is a jolly good idea but if we rewilded everywhere there wouldn’t be any open spaces for me to give Talisman a frightfully good gallop. If we could get rid of the sheep (because all us rewilders are vegatarians you know) that would be an additional bonus for us rewilders.


Above: Cantering on top of the world with Talisman and Eine kleine Nachtmusik.


On the personal side of things, I have spent this year creating a catalogue of free podcasts and videos (with more to come) on the subject of ‘practical spirituality for everyday living’. This may sound airy-fairy but it’s seriously practical stuff about how to harness the power of your thought and the world around you. It’s what I have learned through many challenges in my life and which has saved me, time and time again. It’s about how to leverage what we all have and create a ‘quantum’ reality. It’s been an exciting journey and I feel compelled to share this knowledge.

So, the next challenge is to decide what to do with my material. I have always wanted to be in mainstream media so perhaps now’s the time to find a way into TV or radio or, perish the thought, write the book I’ve never really wanted to write but which is in there somewhere!

When I get fed up of all the rewilding,  I like a good skip and of course give a skipping tutorial to other English rewilders.


Above: Me, skipadeedoodahing!


When I get fed up of rewilding, skipping, riding my pony and putting off writing my treatise on rewilding Wales. I find cycling a great way of keeping fit.   Extra curricular benefits include developing my telepathic skills, contemplation and meditation. Could this be the road to nirvana?



Above: Me, Cycling to Nirvana!

If you are thinking of moving to Wales to join the rewilding movement I can thoroughly reccomend it.


Don’t forget to bring your skipping rope and bicycle!

About mrorigami2013

Welsh independence.
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